A full-time Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position is available in the RecaP Sklodowska-Curie Action - Innovative Training Network, which is funded by Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.
The ESR will be employed by Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and also enrolled as a PhD student in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE) at QUB.
The RecaP project brings together 15 PhD students in both industrial and research positions to ensure sustainable Phosphorus changes across the globe. Our international collaboration addresses the world's changing Phosphorus needs by creating a new generation of Phosphorus specialists to become ‘knowledge brokers’ across disciplinary silos. We will not just explore technical aspects of the global P challenge, but also where solutions can be implemented. The ESR will develop expertise and knowledge in materials, analytical and environmental chemistry and also receive training in broader areas to develop transferable skills that will make them highly employable at the end of this programme.
The successful applicant will be offered a 36-month employee contract at QUB from September 2021 to August 2024, and receive a salary set out by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) regulations. This includes a basic salary (with pension) of £32,016 per annum, and a mobility allowance (£406 per month) and, if appropriate, a family allowance (£338 per month). The ESR will also register for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with QUB (fees are covered in this project) and will be expected to fulfill the associated requirements in order to be awarded such a research degree.
For more information on being an MSCA ESR in RecaP and to find out more details about the PhD project available, please visit the RECAP website.
The successful candidate must have, and you should clearly demonstrate this in your CV/Cover letter:
For full job details and essential/desirable criteria please refer to the candidate information link on our website by clicking apply. For further information or assistance contact The Resourcing Team, People and Culture, Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN. Telephone (028) 9097 3044 or email on resourcing@qub.ac.uk
Applications for the positions will be through a central application process hosted by Queen’s University Belfast. Your application should include a CV, a two-page motivation letter, and contact details for two referees. Before customising your CV and motivation letter for this application, you should carefully read the job description, candidate information / selection criteria and the RecaP website. Your CV and motivation letter must demonstrate clearly and unambiguously how your experience, education and research background meets the essential criteria (and where applicable desirable criteria).
Please specifically address the following statements in your Motivation Letter:
The University is committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from all. However, our employment monitoring data tells us that individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, people with a disability and those who identify as LGBT+ are currently under-represented at the University. Also protestants are currently under-represented in this category of work. As such, we particularly welcome applications from these individuals.
As you may be aware, Queen’s is recognised as one of the most diverse organisations in Northern Ireland. We are committed to ensuring our workplace is a safe, welcoming and inclusive place to work, which is why we subscribe to Equality Charter Marks such as Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, Diversity Charter Mark NI and Athena SWAN.
It is also why we have established award winning Staff Networks such as PRISM and iRise. These networks provide an opportunity for staff to meet in a friendly, informal way to support each other. More details on all our networks can be found here.
Candidate Information
Further Information for International Applicants